As National Science Week (10-18 August) is just around the corner we’ve compiled the top five ways for you to get involved! 1. Get inspired and visit a museum or science discovery centre Ever wondered how aeroplanes stay in the sky, or how skyscrapers stay up right?...

The creator behind Smart Slime? explains why, out of all the things she could film, she chose slime. Winner of SCINEMA’s Award for Scientific Merit, Smart Slime? is the work of first-year film student Juliette Martineau, who is studying at the National Film and Television School,...

The team behind The Face of a Stranger talks about how their lives were changed by filming a face transplant.  Winner of SCINEMA’s best film award, The Face of a Stranger presents a tale of risk and triumph. The film follows the story of two men: Maurice Desjardins...

SCINEMA 2019 judge Alison Leigh tells us about some of the films that have stuck in her mind over the past two years.  I’ve had the privilege of being on the jury of SCINEMA for the last two years. These are my top three stand out...

YouTube host Derek Muller teams up with award-winning producers for a rip-roaring ride through the sense and nonsense of vitamins and supplements. Worldwide, there are more than 850,000 vitamin and dietary supplements on the market today, fuelling an obsession with health and generating revenue of more...