SCINEMA International Science Film Festival
2023 Terms and Conditions of Entry
SCINEMA International Science Film Festival (the Festival) is a project of The Royal Institution of Australia.
All films accepted into the Festival will be included in the SCINEMA Community Screening Program available online through the SCINEMA VOD platform. Community Screening playlists are password protected and only issued to those that register.
Following the festival program all films have the option to be included on the SCINEMA website for a license period of 12 months for a non-exclusive free VOD license.
Entry Instructions
1. Entries will be accepted through FilmFreeway.
2. Entries must not exceed 90 mins in length
3. All media must be clearly marked with the title of the entry, the entrant’s name, contact email, phone and address. It is the responsibility of the entrant to update any changes of address or contact details post submission.
4. All films with dialogue must be in English or English narrated or subtitled.
5. All entries must have been produced after 1 September 2021.
6. All entries must be fully completed works – do not submit works in progress.
7. Confirmation of receipt of entry will be emailed.
8. The Royal Institution of Australia accepts no responsibility for entries lost, delayed or not received for any reason.
Judging & Selection
1. A film review panel will be selected by The Royal Institution of Australia, and this panel shall decide which entries make it to the final judging round and select award winners.
2. A selection of films reaching the final judging round will screen as part of the 2023 Festival.
3. All films accepted into the SCINEMA festival will be curated into a community film program to screen by free VOD under the SCINEMA banner in August 2023.
4. By submitting your film for the Festival you are agreeing it can be screened at all of the above.
5. If selected, entrants agree and understand, that their film shall screen in either or both, our live festival event and/or our online festival event that utilizes VOD.
6. The jury’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
7. Only one prize or trophy will be produced per category – if a winning production(s) is a group entry, the group will have to split or share their prize.
Copyright & Permissions
1. Copyright resides entirely with the artist(s). By submitting your entry to the Festival you confirm that have obtained all releases necessary for the public exhibition of your work including internet.
2. In the case of student works, you must ensure you have obtained permission from students and/or their parents to use their image in your films. By submitting your entry to the Festival you confirm you have received all required permissions.
3. The Royal Institution of Australia will not be held responsible for any breach of copyright or permissions arising from any entries submitted.
Promotional Use
Entrants shall allow clips or images from their works, to be reproduced by radio, newspaper, television and the Internet for promotional purposes only. Please provide a 300dpi image for this purpose. Ideally all entrants shall supply a short trailer for their film that can be used.
Withdrawal from Festival
Entrants wishing to withdraw from SCINEMA must inform the festival in writing by 2 April 2023 by contacting the SCINEMA team on scinema@riaus.org.au
Entry Statement
By submitting an entry in the Festival, you declare your understanding, compliance and acceptance of all terms included in this application.
Copyright release
I grant permission for the film entered to be included in the SCINEMA program. If my film is accepted, I will nominate how my film may be screened from the following 2 options:
1. Have your film shown at the screenings if selected by the Jury, and then made available online for both community screening playlists and general public viewing via SCINEMA website for license period of 12 months for a non-exclusive free VOD license.
2. Have your film shown at the screenings if selected by the Jury, and then made available online for COMMUNITY SCREENINGS (from Aug 1st 2022 – 31st Aug 2022 only) Community screening playlists are password protected and only issued to registered venues.
I declare that :
• I have the authority to convey that all copyright and permissions necessary are secured.
• the exhibition of this work will not violate or infringe upon the rights of any person, firm or corporation.
• I have read and agree to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY, and give permission for The Royal Institution of Australia to transfer sections from the above titled production for use as required in relation to the Festival for screening and promotional purposes.
• The entry is an original production completed after 1 September 2021.
• If you are under the age of 18, please have an authorised adult complete and submit this form on your behalf.